




明治安田生命保険相互会社(執行役社長 永島 英器)と中米経済統合銀行(Central American Bank for Economic Integration(以下「CABEI」))は、アスリート教育や施設の拡充を通じてスポーツの発展を支援することを目的にCABEIが世界で初めて 発行する「スポーツボンド」について、総額100百万豪ドル(約91億円)を明治安田生命が単独で購入したことをお知らせします。取扱証券会社にはバークレイズ証券株式会社が指名されました。





対応するSDGs目標:「3. すべての人に健康と福祉を」「4. 質の高い教育をみんなに」「10. 人や国の不平等をなくそう」


CABEIは、1960年に中米地域における国際開発金融機関として設立され、現在15ヵ国が加盟しています。テグシガルパ(ホンジュラス)に本拠を置き、中央 アメリカ、南アメリカ、アジア、ヨーロッパにオフィスを有しています。
また、CABEIはStandard & Poor'sのAA、Moody'sのAs3という高い信用格付けを取得しており、強固な財務力とラテンアメリカで最も高い信用力を保持しております。


このプロジェクトの一環として、2023年6月23日~7月8日にエルサルバドルで開催される中央アメリカ・カリブ海競技大会(Central American and Caribbean Games San Salvador 2023)の会場となる、Saturnino Bengoa Ball Parkの改修が進行中です。



以 上



Investment in the world's first "Sports Bond" issued by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)
– Contributing to the development of sports through support for athlete education and expansion of facilities –

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company
Central American Bank for Economic Integration
Barclays Securities Japan Limited

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company (President and CEO: Hideki Nagashima) and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration - announce that Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance has invested in the world's first "Sports Bond" issued by CABEI, with the aim of supporting the development of sports through athlete education and the expansion of facilities, by purchasing the entire issue amount of the AUD 100 million (approximately 9.1 billion yen) of the Bond. Barclays Securities Japan Limited acted as the sole arranger of the issuance.

CABEI was established in 1960 as the multilateral development bank of the Central American region and currently has 15 member countries. CABEI’s mission under its 2020-2024 Institutional Strategy is to promote economic integration and balanced economic and social development of the Central American region, and as part of this mission, it also focuses on the promotion of education and sports in its member countries. 

The funds raised by the Bond will be utilized for athlete education and the construction of sports facilities benefiting 422 educational centers to develop the sporting talents of children and young people, with an estimated 130,701 beneficiary students; in addition, as well as promote the health of people and stimulate the economy through sports.

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance has focused on the power of sports to “energize people," "bring people together," and "unite people," and has been involved in various sports support activities in collaboration with the Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance J-League, the Japan Ladies Professional Golf Association, and other organizations.

By investing in this bond, we will financially support CABEI's efforts to promote people's health through sports.

Based on our management philosophy of "Reliable Peace of Mind, Forever", we are promoting the creation of social value through ESG investment and financing through the resolution of global environmental and social issues and regional contributions such as the revitalization of domestic regional economies. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as a responsible institutional investor.

Summary terms of the Bond

Issuer: Central American Bank for Economic Integration
Investor: Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company
Currency: Australian Dollar
Issue amount: 100 Million Dollar 
Issue date: 26 May 2023
Maturity: 26 May 2038
Corresponding SDGs objectives: 3. Good health and well-being; 4. Quality education; 10. Reduced inequalities

CABEI's Project Examples

Project to improve sports facilities in El Salvador:
The resources will be destined to the remodeling, construction, rehabilitation, and furnishing of  sports venues, thus supporting and stimulating the individual and collective practice of sports for the prevention of violence, the increase of health, the professionalization of the athletes, and the recreation of the inhabitants of the benefited areas.
Saturnino Bengoa Ball Park Renovation Project:
As part of this project, the Saturnino Bengoa Ball Park, the venue for the Central American and Caribbean Games San Salvador 2023, an multi-sports regional tournament to be held in El Salvador from June 23 to July 8, 2023. The renovation of the Saturnino Bengoa Ball Park is underway.

About the Central American Bank for Economic Integration

CABEI is the Central American region's financial arm for integration and development. Its resources are continuously invested in high impact projects to reduce poverty and inequalities, strengthen regional integration, and foster the competitive insertion of its members in the world economy, with a special focus on environmental sustainability. CABEI is based in Tegucigalpa with offices throughout Central America, South America, Asia, and Europe. 
CABEI's financial strength and position as the best credit in Latin America is supported by its high credit ratings: Standard & Poor's with a rating of “AA” and Moody's with a rating of “Aa3”.

About Barclays

Barclays is a British universal bank. We are diversified by business, by different types of customer and client, and geography. Our businesses include consumer banking and payments operations around the world, as well as a top-tier, full service, global corporate and investment bank, all of which are supported by our service company which provides technology, operations and functional services across the Group. For further information about Barclays, please visit our website home.barclays.


Investment in the world's first "Sports Bond" issued by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)– Contributing to the development of sports through support for athlete education and expansion of facilities – (PDF)